Friday, October 14, 2011

Kerri's story...

There was never that one defining moment for me that suddenly stirred my heart to adoption.  Looking back now, I think it has been a journey that God has been leading me to for a very long time.  A journey that began by growing up in an adoptive wound its way through my daily devotions as I read Jesus' call to "care for the least of these"  to hearing about the devastating conditions of the orphans in Rwanda.  It climbed into my heart through Mary Beth Chapman's book "Choosing To See" about her adoptive daughter and planted itself when I witnessed close friends' passion for their adoption.  Somehow, all these little moments embedded in my heart.  I would tuck my three biological daughters in bed at night, and as I would pray for them, a thought would pop into my head and wouldn't go away.  What would happen if I lived somewhere where I had no money, no family to support me, and I got sick?  What would happen to my daughters?  I would plead with God - beg - for them to be safe and loved by a mother and father with the same love that I have for them."  And this thought kept growing more and more persistent.  Until we finally decided we had to do something about it.  And so we called an agency, talked to a wonderful caseworker named Lesley, and started the process to bring home a little girl from Ethiopia.  It has been the best journey of my life.

Kerri Petersheim


So many families all over the world have been formed through the miracle of adoption. Whether the child who was adopted was hours, days, or several years old, every adoption has a story. WE WANT TO HEAR YOURS!!! This month, we specifically want to know WHAT INSPIRED YOU to adopt? Whether you have just begun your adoption journey or have already brought your child home, we want to hear what lead you down that road. If you would be willing to share your story on this blog, please email your story (post-ready in about 500 words or less) to On Monday, October 31st we will randomly select the author of one post to win a signed copy of 'Mommy's Heart Went Pop'!

Saturday, September 17, 2011